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Why is entrepreneurial development important at a young age?
Entrepreneurship education has a particularly important role in the current context, where small businesses put the entire economy on the wheels. Young people have the opportunity to implement their ideas, establishing companies and realizing successful projects from an ever younger age. That is why the most effective education in the direction of entrepreneurship is essential for the new generations.
Cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit and learning the basics of business helps young people understand the responsibilities, duties and benefits of being an entrepreneur. They can understand the needs of the society, the market demand and the ways in which it can be satisfied. They also have the opportunity to develop professionally much earlier than they anticipated.
What are the advantages of early entrepreneurship education?
Even if entrepreneurship seems to be an activity for grown-up people with a certain degree of maturity, this is not entirely true. A good education, knowledge of the business environment and its advantages and disadvantages, analysis and study of the most successful entrepreneurs, can lead to the development of successful businesses from the teenage years. Even otherwise, when no action is taken until the mature years, such information proves to be extremely useful.
Business plan
The basis for the path in entrepreneurship is the business idea. For an entrepreneur to do business, he needs money. And in order to have money, the entrepreneur must have contact with the investor. The business plan is a means of contact between entrepreneurs and investors, but also the first answer to the question of how to become rich. This is a way of communication between the entrepreneur and the financier. Through the business plan, the business idea is put on paper, that is, it becomes concrete. By putting the idea on paper, the entrepreneur will be able to notice the good and bad side of his idea, notice all the possible shortcomings of his idea and eliminate them in time. Everything that makes up a business field is connected with a business plan, i.e. what does an entrepreneur do, what product will make, what is the target market, what is the competition, how will he finance the business process... You should realistically analyze the means and equipment available to the entrepreneur, the competition, future expectations must be anticipated and possible responses to unforeseen future events must be prepared. The synthesis of all these things will be presented in a business plan.
Structure business plan
The structure of the business plan is not standardized. Each company has its own planning needs. However, banks sometimes offer their own models of business plans, more or less relevant from the point of view of a rigorous planning. A very used type of business plan structure is the departmental one. Within this structure, all analyses, objectives and strategies are defined according to the specifics of the company's activities. The departmental structure of the business plan is as follows:
1. Executive summary
2. Description of the business
3. Marketing planning
4. Production and operations planning
5. Human resources planning
6. Financial-accounting planning
7. Risk management
8. Implementation of the business plan
9. Appendices
The simplified business plan Business Model Canvas. This is a strategic tool invented by entrepreneur and author Alexander Osterwalder in 2010 that is now used by companies around the world. It consists of a one-page business plan that contains - visually and concisely - the 9 key elements of a business, which are as follows (according to Enterprising Oxford):
Programs that allow learning entrepreneurial education in Romania
Stimulating entrepreneurial thinking is a priority all over the world, being a driver of the well-being of people and communities. And because mentalities are formed from an early age and through the contribution of several actors, JA Romania implements entrepreneurial education programs in public-private partnership, involving educational institutions, companies, teaching staff, students and families in the educational process.We prepare young people for real life by teaching them how to launch and manage profitable businesses and how to create jobs for themselves and their friends, bringing added value to the communities in which they live.Pupils and students in the program are stimulated to form an entrepreneurial mindset, which will help them in the future to be independent and innovative, take risks, accept challenges and seek creative solutions, whether they launch a business or they will hire.The JA Entrepreneurship Education Program offers a complete learning process: from free trainings and webinars for students and teachers, to classroom lessons and hands-on pilot company start-up projects, incubation periods supported by the business community, product fairs and local, regional or national services, continuing with the possibility of testing acquired skills and obtaining the European Certificate of Entrepreneurial Skills (European Skills Pass).
Acquired skills
Critical thinking
Making decisions and expressing opinions
Understanding the consequences of choices
Identifying resources and opportunities
Team workAssume the responsibility
Creativity and innovation
Adapting to changes
Connecting school knowledge to economic reality
Identifying risks and opportunities
KEN Entrepreneurial Abilities is a comprehensive educational program that takes place over the course of a school year, which helps children develop a range of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge that will help them in real life.
The exercise company ROCT
The exercise firm represents an interactive learning method for the development of the entrepreneurial spirit, a modern concept of integration and interdisciplinary application of knowledge, an approach to the teaching-learning process that provides conditions for testing and practical deepening of the skills acquired by pupils/students in the preparation professional.The introduction of the learning method through the exercise firm, in vocational and technical education in Romania, was achieved, starting in 2001, through a project initiated within the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe and carried out by the National Center for the Development of Vocational Education and Technical (CNDIPT) from Romania in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture and Kulturkontakt from Austria - the ECO NET project.
What is the StartUp Nation Program? The “Start-up Nation – Romania” Small Business Start-Up Program was launched within the Ministry of Business, Trade and Entrepreneurship to encourage and stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of citizens to engage in private economic structures. You can get financing up to forty thousand euros and the own contribution is between five and thirty-five percent