Digital Bridge

BRIDGE OF DIGITALISATION - recovery strategy ( materials )
Methods of activating students used in remote education
The activation of students in the remote education process is based on three assumptions:
1. Regular contact between the teacher and students,
2. The use of various forms of information transfer,
3. Feedback for the student (self-assessment and assessment of learning progress).
Detailed methods of activating students used in the remote education process:
A) Clarification:
informing what will be the content of the teaching, e.g. by stating goals education and key concepts,
B) Referring to previous knowledge,
e.g. references to already know regularities, phenomena and facts, which accelerates the assimilation of new knowledge and it consolidates previously learned concepts, moreover, it forces the trainee to complete them gaps in the messages given during previous lessons,
C) Motivating the participants of the education process,
e.g. by using various forms of communication (images, text, sound, action, interactive elements),
D) Presentation of the content taught,
e.g. by providing content in various forms presenting knowledge available on the platform (lectures, case study , test charts, discussions, chat, video conference)
E) Interactivity of the teaching process, in order to receive the content by the student in an active way,
F) Supporting learners by providing hints and tips,
e.g. .by providing information allowing self-assessment of learning progress:
(for example by checking questions placed at the end of the lesson, to which students receive answers with justification)
G) Monitoring the work of each student to motivate them to be active
in the online environment,
H) Evaluation of the course of the learning process by the teacher may take place in the form of an exam (in remote form on the platform or stationary), which conditions
completion of the course (this is a factor that mobilizes students),
I) Flexible approach to students, responding to their needs, the way of assimilation knowledge, interests, strengths, weaknesses and expectations.
The principle of conscious and active participation:
is based on student's active attitude towards learning purposes. Therefore, the teacher should influence cognitive activity of the students. Pupils must be placed in challenging situations perceiving facts and explaining phenomena (e.g. test, question problems).
The principle of gradation of difficulty (principle of affordability):
expresses necessity of adapting the content and teaching methods to the students' abilities. Therefore you should: start from content known to students and then switch to unfamiliar one.
The principle of regularity:
It follows from the statement that if a student wants to remember something permanently and effectively, he or she should consolidate it systematically. For this purpose, you can refer to the previously discussed content and use repetitions and checking exercises.
The principle of durability of students' knowledge:
indicates the need to undertake such actions that will contribute to the student's permanent acquisition of knowledge. It should be remembered that we remember better and longer things that have a clear structure, specific (give examples). Frequent reference should be made to students' practical experiences and active participation in the learning process should be ensured. It is important to provide new teaching material to properly defined students' interests and create positive motives for improving qualifications.
The principle of the operability of students' knowledge:
says that the teacher must create situations that would require students to use them at work (in addition to assimilating and reproducing knowledge and skills).
The teacher should moderate situations where students would have the opportunity of problem solving, which would broaden their knowledge and skills. Students should be trained to perceive, formulate and solve theoretical and practical problems.
The principle of shaping learning skills:
is important from the point of view of the self-education process. According to this principle, the teacher is to lead to the ability to organize mental work. For this purpose, a clear and legible way of conveying content by the teacher with the application of problem solving methodology would broaden their knowledge and skills. Students should be trained to perceive, formulate and solve theoretical and practical problems.
The principle of shaping learning skills:
is important from the point of view of the self-education process. According to this principle, the teacher is to lead to the ability to organize mental work. For this purpose, a clear and legible way of conveying content by the teacher is important.